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DB consortium selected for California high speed rail consultancy contract
USA: California High-Speed Rail Authority announced on October 6 that the DB Engineering & Consulting USA consortium has submitted the...
Some Tulsa-to-OKC Rail Supporters Already Thinking of High-Speed Trains
Some Oklahoma passenger rail opponents believe it's time to consider high-speed rail between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. A concept presented...
CA bullet train segment cost is 27% higher than initial estimate
Dive Brief: Costs for the 119-mile stretch of a high-speed rail line planned through California's Central Valley are $1.7 billion higher...
An Infrastructure Deal Should Be Easy, But Isn't
The stars should be aligned for a big infrastructure deal. The lingering devastation from the hurricanes that crippled Houston and...
Hyperloop One names 4 potential US routes
Dive Brief: Hyperloop One has selected 10 routes — including four in the U.S. — as part of its Hyperloop One Global Challenge, according...
Agencies Told to Cut Regulatory Budgets in Fiscal 2018
President Trump’s point person in his push for deregulation has sent regulatory officers at all agencies instructions to submit a budget...
U.S. House Passes Bill To Allow Self-Driving Cars in Every State
Self-driving cars have been on the horizon for the past few years, as companies like Tesla and Waymo have been focused on bringing...
Automatic Emergency Relief from FTA Regulatory Requirements Applicable to Hurricane Harvey Response
Charter Transit agencies may take actions, such as providing service for evacuations, returning evacuees from shelters to their homes,...
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) has activated two National Defense Reserve Fleet...
Trump predicts swift emergency funding for Texas
President Trump predicted Monday that Texas will receive swift emergency funding from Congress to help with Hurricane Harvey relief...
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